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What's New

Recent addiitons, either builders or new pictures will be noted here to  make it easy
to find recent additions and where they are located.
Jan 27, 2001  -  Published site to the Net

Feb 18,2001   -  Added first pictures of JMD's amplifier construction
                        -  Added basic section on construction
                        -  Added Steve Ashe's name to builders, pictures soon
                        -  Restructured look

Apr 15,2001 - Added new pictures to Elite HT, PW and OW woofer pages
                      - Added set of pictures showing progress with the Front amplifier

June 25,2001- Added more pictures of almost completed front amplifier -- thanks to 28 days in a
                         row of rain in May/early June ( makes workshop somewhat unusable -:) )
                       - Added new builders names to the list - hope to be able to add pictures in future
                       - past the first birthday for this project -- started Memorial Day weekend 2000.
                       - per S.L. suggestion renamed Phoenix Elite HT to Phoenix Grand HT to reflect design
                       - added picture of StepSister sub-woofer

July 25, 2001 - Added picture of finished OW and PW woofers, finished Mini panels and finished
                          version of the Standard panels using both SS and Vifa components
                        - Added pictures from Chris Caudle a new builder

July 29, 2001  - Added pictures from Jamie Farmer, another new builder

August 18, 2001 - Added pictures from Dion Norbork in Odense Denmark
                             - Added pictures of the finished Grand HT units
                             - Added pictures of finished Big Sisters Sub woofers