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Phoenix Woofer

The following is the sequence I followed in building the panels.

Step 1  - Cut rebates using circle cutter and router

Step 2 - Cut circles out with circle cutter and router

Step 3 - Drill woofer mounting holes and install T-nuts (measure the woofers for the cutout hole,
     there are variations depending on which woofer used!!)

Step 4 - Secure woofer baffles to side pieces. Do not glue the back center panel piece at this time

Step 5 - Join the woofer baffle assemblies together with the back center piece using screws. Pre-drill
     Holes. DO NOT GLUE!!!

Step 6 - Join the completed baffle assembly to the bottom piece.

Step 7 - Attach sides to bottom and baffle assembly

Step 8 - Attach top piece

Step 9 - Spray/paint interior with black paint.

Step 10 - Sand

Step 11 - Apply veneer

Step 12 - Stain

Step 13 - Apply first finish layers

Step 14 - If using side mounted terminal connectors, cut holes in veneer

Step 15 - Complete finish

Step 16 - Wire cabinets

Step 17 - Install woofers

Step 18 - Attach wiring to woofer. Careful with making sure the polarities are correct.

Step 19 - Check polarity with battery
